A young student attends online school from her bedroom. 15 points higher than Black students, and 45 points higher than white students.
Percent of students in school who are FRPL Asian nonELL x school FRPL.
Multigenerational households and antiAsian bullying may play a role. A young student attends online school from her bedroom. That's 12 points higher than Hispanic students, 15 points higher than Black students, and.
of students in the racial/ethnic groups of White, Black, Hispanic, Asian, Native Spotlight A. Characteristics of Public School Teachers by Race/Ethnicity.
In Chicago, twothirds of White students chose inperson learning, while just a third of Asian, Black and Latino students decided to head back. Fewer AsianAmerican students (18 percent) reported being bullied at school or cyberbullied than did white students (35 percent), AfricanAmerican students (31.