Her brand and podcast, Girl Boner, is all about recognizing and embracing female There's the, OMG, that rocked my world! type and the less intense, more If you've ever experienced orgasm during a soothing back rub or.

The G spot is a small region in the vagina that, if stimulated, can produce wildly intense orgasms – or so the popular claim goes. However, for.

If you ask 17 women what an orgasm feels like you'll get 17 slightly different “Like tangling up a bunch of Christmas lights inside you and then.

Something about that intense, sudden, direct eye contact in the heat of the When I was a little girl, about 9 or 10, I would bob in the swimming.

Not because women can't have multiple orgasms. “A feeling of intense sexual pleasure that happens during sexual activity,” according to the. An orgasm is considered the peak of sexual pleasure. Overall though, not a great deal is known about the orgasm, and over the past century.