1. Help Parent – · 2. Get Married and Raise Child Together – · 3. Temporary Foster Care – · 4. Help Place the Baby for Adoption – · 5. Abandon the mother and child.

even missed her period. and then there was this twoweek. period that she knew that she was pregnant. and I on the other hand just couldn't believe it I guess I I guess I'm just kind of throwing it in the back my head because I didn't want to have to stress about it. but. I also thought that you know whatever pregnancy.

The best way to get a woman pregnant is to have sex with her around the time that she ovulates, or when she releases an egg. This typically occurs in between her.

Originally Answered I got my gf pregnant. Should I leave her since I am a student with two majors and don't have time for a job Leaving your girlfriend won't answers · 53 votes Leaving your girlfriend won’t solve your financial problems, as you have a legal and. EDIT 5th Aug The original question that I answered was “How can I make my girlfriend pregnant”. I'm unsure of why these two questions were merged as 22 answers · 3 votes Ok, im going to assume that this is something that to two of you WANT and your not on here.