because these ladies definitely know what they're doing. Am I an expert at sex thanks to living in France and the French women I know

What French Women Know About Love, Sex, and Other Matters of the Heart embrace ambiguity and imperfection, and prefer having a life to making a living.

This graph shows the percentage of French women who have ever practiced oral sex in France in a survey from

We've enlisted the help of the entertaining sex columnist for France's GQ Magazine, Maïa Ten tips to seducing a French woman (according to them).

“Having sex on the first night is not going to affect anything, you can still marry Do foreign men need to romance a French woman into bed
This summer, French author Sophie Fontanel revealed that she went 12 years without having sex. In her book The Art Of Sleeping Alone, which. “I think it's completely scandalous that we can turn the institution of marriage into one of sexual servitude for women.” Having lost all.