Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. Little brother took his little sister by the hand and said, Since our mother died we have not had a single good hour. Our stepmother.

Brother and Sister (also Little Sister and Little Brother; German Brüderchen und Schwesterchen) is a European fairy tale which was, among others, written Origin · Synopsis · Analysis · Adaptations.

Little Brother and Little Sister, illustrated by Bruno Grimmer. This fairy tale was included as number eleven in the first volume of the collection by.
It is transformation fairy tale written by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm's. “The Little Brother and the Little Sister” are all about the account of “Hansel and Gretel” in a.

Greetings little and big kids. In this video I'm going to read the tale about The Little Brother and the Little Sister by Grimm Brothers. English. Little Brother and Little Sister follows the trials and tribulations of a motherless young brother and sister. Their cruel stepmother's behavior caused them to run.